Source code for

"""Module for running parameter optimizations.

The optimization can run either run serial or in a parallel version.

The parallel optimization uses multiprocessing, i.e. the parallel runner
starts processes on the n_cores which run optimization problems.

How multiprocessing works, in a nutshell:

    Process() spawns (fork or similar on Unix-like systems) a copy of the
    original program.
    The copy communicates with the original to figure out that
        (a) it's a copy and
        (b) it should go off and invoke the target= function (see below).
    At this point, the original and copy are now different and independent,
    and can run simultaneously.

Since these are independent processes, they now have independent Global Interpreter
Locks (in CPython) so both can use up to 100% of a CPU on a multi-cpu box, as long as
they dont contend for other lower-level (OS) resources. That's the "multiprocessing"
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
from typing import List, Optional

import numpy as np

from import OptimizationProblem
from import (
from import OptimizationResult
from sbmlsim.utils import timeit

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
[docs]def run_optimization( problem: OptimizationProblem, size: int = 5, algorithm: OptimizationAlgorithmType = OptimizationAlgorithmType.LEAST_SQUARE, residual: ResidualType = ResidualType.ABSOLUTE, loss_function: LossFunctionType = LossFunctionType.LINEAR, weighting_curves: List[WeightingCurvesType] = None, weighting_points: WeightingPointsType = WeightingPointsType.NO_WEIGHTING, seed: Optional[int] = None, variable_step_size: bool = True, relative_tolerance: float = 1e-6, absolute_tolerance: float = 1e-6, n_cores: Optional[int] = 1, serial: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> OptimizationResult: """Run optimization in parallel. The runner executes the given OptimizationProblem and returns the OptimizationResults. The size defines the repeated optimizations of the problem. Every repeat uses different initial values. To get access to the optimization problem this has to be initialized with the arguments of the runner. :param problem: uninitialized problem to optimize (pickable) :param size: integer number of optimizations :param algorithm: optimization algorithm to use :param residual: handling of residuals :param loss_function: loss function for handling outliers/residual transformation :param weighting_curves: list of options for weighting curves (fit mappings) :param weighting_points: weighting of points :param seed: integer random seed (for sampling of parameters) :param absolute_tolerance: absolute tolerance of simulator :param relative_tolerance: relative tolerance of simulator :param variable_step_size: use variable step size in solver :param n_cores: number of workers :param serial: boolean flag to execute optimization in serial fashion (debugging) :param kwargs: additional arguments for optimizer, e.g. xtol :return: OptimizationResult """ saved_args = locals() if "fitting_type" in saved_args: raise ValueError( "Deprecated parameter 'fitting_type', use 'fitting_strategy' instead." ) if "weighting_local" in saved_args: raise ValueError( "Deprecated parameter 'weighting_local', use 'weighting_points' instead." ) if weighting_curves is None: weighting_curves = [] # set number of cores cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if n_cores is None: n_cores = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) if n_cores > cpu_count: n_cores = max(1, multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) logger.error(f"More cores then cpus requested, reducing cores to '{n_cores}'") print("\n--- STARTING OPTIMIZATION ---\n") print(f"Running {n_cores} workers") if size < n_cores: logger.warning( f"Less simulations then cores: '{size} < {n_cores}', " f"increasing number of simulations to '{n_cores}'." ) size = n_cores opt_result: OptimizationResult if serial: # serial parameter fitting saved_args.pop("n_cores") saved_args.pop("serial") kwargs = saved_args.pop("kwargs") opt_result = _run_optimization_serial(**saved_args, **kwargs) else: # parallel parameter fitting sizes = [len(c) for c in np.array_split(range(size), n_cores)] # setting arguments if seed is not None: # set seed before getting worker seeds np.random.seed(seed) # we require seeds for the workers to get different results seeds = list(np.random.randint(low=1, high=2000, size=n_cores)) args_list = [] for k in range(n_cores): d = { "problem": problem, "size": sizes[k], "algorithm": algorithm, "residual": residual, "loss_function": loss_function, "weighting_curves": weighting_curves, "weighting_points": weighting_points, "absolute_tolerance": absolute_tolerance, "relative_tolerance": relative_tolerance, "variable_step_size": variable_step_size, "seed": seeds[k], **kwargs, } args_list.append(d) # worker pool with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=n_cores) as pool: opt_results: List[OptimizationResult] =, args_list) # combine simulation results opt_result = OptimizationResult.combine(opt_results) print("\n--- FINISHED OPTIMIZATION ---\n") return opt_result
[docs]def worker(kwargs) -> OptimizationResult: """Worker for running optimization problem.""" lock.acquire() try: print(f"worker <{os.getpid()}> running optimization ...") finally: lock.release() return _run_optimization_serial(**kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs]def _run_optimization_serial( problem: OptimizationProblem, size: int = 5, algorithm: OptimizationAlgorithmType = OptimizationAlgorithmType.LEAST_SQUARE, residual: ResidualType = ResidualType.ABSOLUTE, loss_function: LossFunctionType = LossFunctionType.LINEAR, weighting_curves: List[WeightingCurvesType] = None, weighting_points: WeightingPointsType = WeightingPointsType.NO_WEIGHTING, seed: Optional[int] = None, variable_step_size: bool = True, relative_tolerance: float = 1e-6, absolute_tolerance: float = 1e-6, **kwargs, ) -> OptimizationResult: """Run the given optimization problem in a serial fashion. This function should not be called directly, but the 'run_optimization' should be used for executing simulations. See run_optimization for more detailed documentation. :param problem: uninitialized problem to optimize (pickable) :param size: integer number of optimizations :param algorithm: optimization algorithm to use :param residual: handling of residuals :param loss_function: loss function for handling outliers/residual transformation :param weighting_curves: list of options for weighting curves (fit mappings) :param weighting_points: weighting of points :param seed: integer random seed (for sampling of parameters) :param absolute_tolerance: absolute tolerance of simulator :param relative_tolerance: relative tolerance of simulator :param variable_step_size: use variable step size in solver :param kwargs: additional arguments for optimizer, e.g. xtol :return: OptimizationResult """ if weighting_curves is None: weighting_curves = [] if "n_cores" in kwargs: # remove parallel arguments logger.warning( "Parameter 'n_cores' does not have any effect in serial optimization." ) kwargs.pop("n_cores") # initialize problem, which calculates errors problem.initialize( residual=residual, loss_function=loss_function, weighting_points=weighting_points, weighting_curves=weighting_curves, absolute_tolerance=absolute_tolerance, relative_tolerance=relative_tolerance, variable_step_size=variable_step_size, ) # optimize fits, trajectories = problem.optimize( size=size, seed=seed, algorithm=algorithm, **kwargs ) # process results and plots return OptimizationResult( parameters=problem.parameters, fits=fits, trajectories=trajectories