Source code for

"""Analysis of fitting results."""

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.figure import Axes, Figure
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

from import OptimizationProblem
from import (
from import OptimizationResult
from sbmlsim.plot.plotting_matplotlib import plt
from sbmlsim.utils import timeit

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class OptimizationAnalysis: """Class for analyzing optimization results. Creates all plots and results. """ def __init__( self, opt_result: OptimizationResult, output_name: str, output_dir: Path, op: OptimizationProblem = None, show_plots: bool = True, show_titles: bool = True, residual: ResidualType = None, loss_function: LossFunctionType = None, weighting_curves: List[WeightingCurvesType] = None, weighting_points: WeightingPointsType = None, variable_step_size: bool = True, absolute_tolerance: float = 1e-6, relative_tolerance: float = 1e-6, image_format: str = "svg", **kwargs, ) -> None: """Construct Optimization analysis. :param output_name: name of the optimization :param output_dir: base path for output :param show_plots: boolean flag to display plots, i.e., call :param show_titles: boolean flag to add titles to the panels :param residual: handling of residuals :param loss_function: loss function for handling outliers/residual transformation :param weighting_curves: list of options for weighting curves (fit mappings) :param weighting_points: weighting of points :param seed: integer random seed (for sampling of parameters) :param absolute_tolerance: absolute tolerance of simulator :param relative_tolerance: relative tolerance of simulator :param variable_step_size: use variable step size in solver """ self.sid = opt_result.sid self.optres: OptimizationResult = opt_result # the results directory uses the hash of the OptimizationResult results_dir: Path = output_dir / self.sid / output_name if not results_dir.exists(): logger.warning(f"create output directory: '{results_dir}'") results_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.results_dir = results_dir self.image_format = image_format self.show_plots = show_plots self.show_titles = show_titles if kwargs: for key in kwargs: logger.warning( f"Argument to OptimizationAnalysis is not supported: '{key}'." ) if op: op.initialize( residual=residual, loss_function=loss_function, weighting_curves=weighting_curves, weighting_points=weighting_points, variable_step_size=variable_step_size, absolute_tolerance=absolute_tolerance, relative_tolerance=relative_tolerance, ) self.op: OptimizationProblem = op # type: ignore
[docs] def run(self, mpl_parameters: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> None: """Execute complete analysis. This creates all plots and reports. """ plots_dir = self.results_dir / "plots" for p in [plots_dir]: p.mkdir() # ---------------------- # Create HTML report # ---------------------- self.html_report(path=self.results_dir / "index.html") # ---------------------- # Write text report # ---------------------- problem_info: str = "" if self.op: problem_info = path=None, print_output=False, ) result_info = path=None, print_output=True, ) info = problem_info + result_info with open(self.results_dir / "report.txt", "w") as f_report: f_report.write(info) # FIXME: create JSON information for problem self.optres.to_json(path=self.results_dir / "optimization_result.json") self.optres.to_tsv(path=self.results_dir / "optimization_result.tsv") # ---------------------- # Create figures # ---------------------- rc_params_copy = {**plt.rcParams} # reset matplotlib parameters matplotlib.rcdefaults() # from pprint import pprint # pprint(rc_params_copy) if mpl_parameters is None: mpl_parameters = {} parameters = { "axes.titlesize": 14, "axes.labelsize": 12, "axes.labelweight": "normal", } parameters.update(mpl_parameters) plt.rcParams.update(parameters) # waterfall plot if self.optres.size > 1: self.plot_waterfall( path=plots_dir / f"waterfall.{self.image_format}", ) # optimization traces self.plot_traces( path=plots_dir / f"traces.{self.image_format}", ) # plot fit results for optimal parameters if self.op: xopt = self.optres.xopt self.plot_cost_scatter( x=xopt, path=plots_dir / f"cost_scatter.{self.image_format}", ) self.plot_cost_bar( x=xopt, path=plots_dir / f"cost_bar.{self.image_format}", ) self.plot_datapoint_scatter( x=xopt, path=plots_dir / f"datapoint_scatter.{self.image_format}", ) self.plot_residual_scatter( x=xopt, path=plots_dir / f"residual_scatter.{self.image_format}", ) self.plot_residual_boxplot( x=xopt, path=plots_dir / f"residual_boxplot.{self.image_format}", ) # plot individual fit mappings self.plot_fit(output_dir=plots_dir, x=xopt) self.plot_fit_residual(output_dir=plots_dir, x=xopt) # correlation plot if self.optres.size > 1: # FIXME: simplifiy correlation plot for speedup (create individual panels) pass # self.plot_correlation(path=plots_dir / "parameter_correlation") # restore parameters plt.rcParams.update(rc_params_copy) logger.warning("-" * 80) logger.warning(f"Analysis finished: {str(self.results_dir / 'index.html')}") logger.warning("-" * 80)
[docs] def html_report(self, path: Path): """Create HTML report of the fit.""" title = f"{self.op.opid} [{self.sid}]" parameter_info = [] xopt = self.optres.xopt fitted_pars = {} for k, p in enumerate(self.optres.parameters): opt_value = xopt[k] if abs(opt_value - p.lower_bound) / p.lower_bound < 0.05: msg = f"!Optimal parameter '{}' within 5% of lower bound!" parameter_info.append(f"\t>>> {msg} <<<") if abs(opt_value - p.upper_bound) / p.upper_bound < 0.05: msg = f"!Optimal parameter '{}' within 5% of upper bound!" parameter_info.append(f"\t>>> {msg} <<<") fitted_pars[] = (opt_value, p.unit, p.lower_bound, p.upper_bound) for key, value in fitted_pars.items(): parameter_info.append( "<strong>{}</strong>: {} {}, [{} - {}]".format( key, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3] ) ) parameters = "<br/>".join(parameter_info) fit_images_info = [] for k, mapping_id in enumerate(self.op.mapping_keys): sid = self.op.experiment_keys[k] fit_images_info.append( f'<p><img src="plots/{sid}_{mapping_id}.{self.image_format}"></p>' ) fit_images = "\n".join(fit_images_info) html = f""" <html> <body> <h1>Parameter fitting: {title}</h1> <h2>Optimal parameters</h2> <p> {parameters} </p> <p> <ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="report.txt">report.txt</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="optimization_result.json">optimization_result.json</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="optimization_result.tsv">optimization_result.tsv</a></li> </p> <h2>Optimization Performance</h2> <p> <img src="./plots/traces.svg"> <img src="./plots/waterfall.svg"> <p> <h2>Data point prediction</h2> <p> <img src="./plots/datapoint_scatter.svg"> <img src="./plots/residual_scatter.svg"> <p> <p> <img src="./plots/residual_boxplot.svg"> <img src="./plots/cost_bar.svg"> <p> <h2>Fits</h2> <p> {fit_images} </p> <h2>Optimization results</h2> {self.optres.df_fits.to_html()} </body> </html> """ with open(path, "w") as f_out: f_out.write(html)
[docs] def _create_mpl_figure( self, width: float = 5.0, height: float = 5.0 ) -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Create matplotlib figure.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(width, height)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.1) return fig, ax
[docs] def _save_mpl_figure(self, fig, path: Path) -> None: """Save matplotlib figure to path.""" if self.show_plots: if path is not None: # fig.savefig(path, bbox_inches="tight") fig.savefig(path) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def plot_fit(self, output_dir: Path, x: np.ndarray) -> None: """Plot fitted curves with experimental data for given parameter set x. Creates an overview of all fit mappings. :param output_dir: path to figures :param x: parameters to evaluate :return: None """ # residual data and simulations of optimal parameters res_data = self.op.residuals(xlog=np.log10(x), complete_data=True) for k, mapping_id in enumerate(self.op.mapping_keys): fig, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 5)) # global reference data sid = self.op.experiment_keys[k] mapping_id = self.op.mapping_keys[k] x_ref = self.op.x_references[k] y_ref = self.op.y_references[k] y_ref_err = self.op.y_errors[k] y_ref_err_type = self.op.y_errors_type[k] x_id = self.op.xid_observable[k] y_id = self.op.yid_observable[k] for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.set_title(f"{sid} {mapping_id}") ax.set_ylabel(y_id) ax.set_xlabel(x_id) # calculated data in residuals x_obs = res_data["x_obs"][k] y_obs = res_data["y_obs"][k] # FIXME: add residuals # plot data if y_ref_err is None: ax.plot( x_ref, y_ref, "s", color="black", label="reference_data", markersize=10, ) else: ax.errorbar( x_ref, y_ref, yerr=y_ref_err, marker="s", color="black", label=f"reference_data ± {y_ref_err_type}", markersize=10, ) # plot simulation ax.plot(x_obs, y_obs, "-", color="blue", label="observable") ax.set_xlim(right=1.1 * np.max(x_ref)) ax.legend() ax2.set_yscale("log") ax2.set_ylim(bottom=0.3 * np.nanmin(y_ref)) self._save_mpl_figure( fig, path=output_dir / f"{sid}_{mapping_id}.{self.image_format}"
) @timeit
[docs] def plot_fit_residual(self, output_dir: Path, x: np.ndarray) -> None: """Plot resulting fit for all individual fit mappings. This consists of - data - prediction - residuals - weighed residuals squared For better analysis log and linear results are depicted. :param x: parameters to evaluate """ res_data = self.op.residuals(xlog=np.log10(x), complete_data=True) for k, mapping_id in enumerate(self.op.mapping_keys): fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 10) ) # global reference data sid = self.op.experiment_keys[k] mapping_id = self.op.mapping_keys[k] # weights = self.op.weights_points[k] x_ref = self.op.x_references[k] y_ref = self.op.y_references[k] y_ref_err = self.op.y_errors[k] x_id = self.op.xid_observable[k] y_id = self.op.yid_observable[k] # calculated data in residuals x_obs = res_data["x_obs"][k] y_obs = res_data["y_obs"][k] y_obsip = res_data["y_obsip"][k] res = res_data["residuals"][k] res_weighted = res_data["residuals_weighted"][k] res_weighted2 = np.power(res_weighted, 2) for ax in (ax1, ax3): ax.axhline(y=0, color="black") ax.set_ylabel(y_id) for ax in (ax3, ax4): ax.set_xlabel(x_id) for ax in (ax1, ax2): ax.set_title(f"{sid}.{mapping_id}") plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # residuals ax.plot(x_ref, res, "o", color="darkorange", label="residuals") ax.fill_between( x_ref, res, np.zeros_like(res), alpha=0.4, color="darkorange", label="__nolabel__", ) # prediction ax.plot(x_obs, y_obs, "-", color="blue", label="observable") ax.plot(x_ref, y_obsip, "o", color="blue", label="interpolation") # reference data if y_ref_err is None: ax.plot(x_ref, y_ref, "s", color="black", label="reference_data") else: ax.errorbar( x_ref, y_ref, yerr=y_ref_err, marker="s", color="black", label="reference_data", ) for ax in (ax3, ax4): ax.plot( x_ref, res_weighted2, "o", color="red", label="(weighted residuals)^2", ) ax.fill_between( x_ref, res_weighted2, np.zeros_like(res), alpha=0.4, color="darkred", label="__nolabel__", ) ax.set_xlim(ax1.get_xlim()) for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4): ax.set_xlim(right=1.1 * np.max(x_ref)) ax.legend() for ax in (ax2, ax4): ax.set_yscale("log") self._save_mpl_figure( fig=fig, path=output_dir / f"fit_{sid}_{mapping_id}.{self.image_format}",
[docs] def _cost_df(self, x: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate cost dataframe for given parameter set.""" res_data = self.op.residuals(xlog=np.log10(x), complete_data=True) data = [] for k, _ in enumerate(self.op.mapping_keys): data.append( { "id": f"{self.op.experiment_keys[k]}_{self.op.mapping_keys[k]}", "experiment": self.op.experiment_keys[k], "mapping": self.op.mapping_keys[k], "cost": res_data["cost"][k], "weight_curve": res_data["weights_curve"][k], } ) return pd.DataFrame( data, columns=["id", "experiment", "mapping", "cost", "weight_curve"]
[docs] def _datapoints_df(self, x: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate data point dataframe for given parameter set.""" res_data = self.op.residuals(xlog=np.log10(x), complete_data=True) data = [] for k, _ in enumerate(self.op.mapping_keys): experiment = self.op.experiment_keys[k] mapping = (self.op.mapping_keys[k],) x_ref = self.op.x_references[k] y_ref_err = self.op.y_errors[k] y_ref_err_type = self.op.y_errors_type[k] y_ref = self.op.y_references[k] y_obs = res_data["y_obsip"][k] residuals = res_data["residuals"][k] for ix in range(len(y_obs)): if not y_ref_err_type: y_err = np.NaN else: y_err = y_ref_err[ix] data.append( { "experiment": experiment, "mapping": mapping, "x_ref": x_ref[ix], "y_ref": y_ref[ix], "y_ref_err": y_err, "y_obs": y_obs[ix], "residual": residuals[ix], } ) return pd.DataFrame( data, columns=[ "experiment", "mapping", "x_ref", "y_ref", "y_ref_err", "y_obs", "residual",
], ) @timeit
[docs] def plot_datapoint_scatter(self, x: np.ndarray, path: Path): """Plot cost scatter plot. Compares cost of model parameters to the given parameter set. """ fig, ax = self._create_mpl_figure() dp: pd.DataFrame = self._datapoints_df(x=x) for experiment in sorted(dp.experiment.unique()): ax.plot( dp.y_ref[dp.experiment == experiment], dp.y_obs[dp.experiment == experiment], # yerr=dp.y_ref_err, linestyle="", marker="o", # label="model", # color="black", markersize="10", alpha=0.9, ) min_dp = np.min( [ np.min(dp.y_ref), np.min(dp.y_obs), ] ) max_dp = np.max( [ np.max(dp.y_ref), np.max(dp.y_obs), ] ) ax.plot( [min_dp * 0.5, max_dp * 2], [min_dp * 0.5, max_dp * 2], "--", color="black", ) for k in range(len(dp)): if ( np.abs(dp.y_ref.values[k] - dp.y_obs.values[k]) / dp.y_ref.values[k] > 0.5 ): ax.annotate( dp.experiment.values[k], xy=( dp.y_ref.values[k], dp.y_obs.values[k], ), fontsize="x-small", alpha=0.9, ) ax.set_xlabel("Experiment $y_{i,k}$") ax.set_ylabel("Prediction $f(x_{i,k})$") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.grid() if self.show_titles: ax.set_title("Data points") self._save_mpl_figure(fig=fig, path=path)
[docs] def plot_residual_scatter(self, x: np.ndarray, path: Path): """Plot residual plot.""" fig, ax = self._create_mpl_figure() dp: pd.DataFrame = self._datapoints_df(x=x) xdata = dp.y_ref ydata = dp.residual / dp.y_ref for experiment in sorted(dp.experiment.unique()): ax.plot( xdata[dp.experiment == experiment], ydata[dp.experiment == experiment], linestyle="", marker="o", # color="black", markersize="10", alpha=0.9, ) min_res = np.min(ydata) max_res = np.max(ydata) ax.fill_between( [min_res * 0.5, max_res * 2, max_res * 2, min_res * 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5], color="lightgray", ) ax.plot( [min_res * 0.5, max_res * 2], [0, 0], "--", color="black", ) for k in range(len(dp)): # # errorbars # if dp.y_ref_err is not None: # ax.errorbar( # xdata[k], ydata[k], # yerr=dp.y_ref_err[k]/ydata[k], # linestyle="", # marker="", # # label="model", # color="black", # markersize="1", # alpha=0.9, # ) if np.abs(ydata[k]) > 0.5: ax.annotate( dp.experiment.values[k], xy=( xdata[k], ydata[k], ), fontsize="x-small", alpha=0.7, ) ax.set_xlabel("Experiment $y_{i,k}$") ax.set_ylabel("Relative residual $\\frac{f(x_{i,k})-y_{i,k}}{y_{i,k}}$") ax.set_xscale("log") # ax.set_yscale("log") ax.grid() if self.show_titles: ax.set_title("Residuals") self._save_mpl_figure(fig=fig, path=path)
[docs] def plot_cost_bar(self, x: np.ndarray, path: Path) -> None: """Plot cost bar plot. Compare costs of all curves. """ costs_x: pd.DataFrame = self._cost_df(x=x) fig: Figure fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(7, 5)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.3) if self.show_titles: fig.suptitle("Curve costs and weights") position = list(range(len(costs_x))) ticklabels = [ f"{costs_x.experiment[k]}|{costs_x.mapping[k]}" for k in range(len(costs_x)) ] ax1.barh(position, costs_x.cost, color="black", alpha=0.8) ax1.set_yticks(position) ax1.set_yticklabels( ticklabels, # rotation=60, ha="right", fontdict={"fontsize": 8}, ) ax1.grid(True, axis="x") ax1.set_xlabel("Cost") ax1.set_xscale("log") ax2.barh(position, costs_x.weight_curve, color="tab:blue", alpha=0.8) ax2.set_yticks(position) plt.setp(ax2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax2.grid(True, axis="x") ax2.set_xlabel("Weight curve: $w_{k}$") # ax1.set_xscale("log") self._save_mpl_figure(fig=fig, path=path)
[docs] def plot_residual_boxplot(self, x: np.ndarray, path: Path) -> None: """Plot residual boxplot. Compare costs of all curves. """ costs_x: pd.DataFrame = self._cost_df(x=x) fig, ax = self._create_mpl_figure() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.5, bottom=0.1) if self.show_titles: ax.set_title("Residual contribution") position = list(range(1, len(costs_x) + 1)) ticklabels = [ f"{costs_x.experiment[k]}|{costs_x.mapping[k]}" for k in range(len(costs_x)) ] res_data = self.op.residuals(xlog=np.log10(x), complete_data=True) box_data = [] for k, _ in enumerate(self.op.mapping_keys): res_weighted = res_data["residuals_weighted"][k] res_weighted2 = np.power(res_weighted, 2) box_data.append(res_weighted2) ax.plot( res_weighted2, (k + 0.7) * np.ones_like(res_weighted2), linestyle="", marker="s", markeredgecolor="black", color="tab:blue", markersize=3, ) ax.boxplot( # position, box_data, vert=False # color="black", # alpha=0.8 ) ax.set_yticks(position) ax.set_yticklabels( ticklabels, # rotation=60, ha="right", fontdict={"fontsize": 8}, ) ax.grid(True, axis="x") ax.set_xlabel( "Weighted residuals^2\n$(w_{k} \\cdot w_{i,k} (f(x_{i,k}) - y_{i,k}))^2$" ) ax.set_xscale("log") self._save_mpl_figure(fig=fig, path=path)
[docs] def plot_cost_scatter(self, x: np.ndarray, path: Path): """Plot cost scatter plot. Compares cost of model parameters to the given parameter set. """ costs_xmodel: pd.DataFrame = self._cost_df(x=self.op.xmodel) costs_x: pd.DataFrame = self._cost_df(x=x) min_cost = np.min( [ np.min(costs_xmodel.cost), np.min(costs_x.cost), ] ) max_cost = np.max( [ np.max(costs_xmodel.cost), np.max(costs_x.cost), ] ) fig, ax = self._create_mpl_figure() ax.plot( [min_cost * 0.5, max_cost * 2], [min_cost * 0.5, max_cost * 2], "--", color="black", ) if self.show_titles: ax.set_title("Cost improvement") for k, _ in enumerate(self.op.experiment_keys): ax.plot( costs_xmodel.cost[k], costs_x.cost[k], linestyle="", marker="o", # label="model", color="tab:red" if costs_xmodel.cost[k] < costs_x.cost[k] else "tab:blue", markersize="10", alpha=0.8, ) for k, exp_key in enumerate(self.op.experiment_keys): ax.annotate( exp_key, xy=( costs_xmodel.cost[k], costs_x.cost[k], ), fontsize="x-small", alpha=0.7, ) ax.set_xlabel("Initial cost") ax.set_ylabel("Cost after fit") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.grid() legend_elements = [ Line2D( [0], [0], marker="o", color="tab:red", label="Increased cost", markersize=10, ), Line2D( [0], [0], marker="o", color="tab:blue", label="Decreased cost", markersize=10, ), ] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) self._save_mpl_figure(fig=fig, path=path)
[docs] def plot_waterfall(self, path: Path): """Create waterfall plot for the fit results. Plots the optimization runs sorted by cost. """ fig, ax = self._create_mpl_figure() if self.show_titles: ax.set_title("Waterfall plot") ax.plot( range(self.optres.size), 1 + (self.optres.df_fits.cost - self.optres.df_fits.cost.iloc[0]), "-o", color="black", ) ax.set_xlabel("Index (ordered optimizer run)") ax.set_ylabel("Offset cost value (relative to best start)") ax.set_yscale("log") self._save_mpl_figure(fig, path=path)
[docs] def plot_traces(self, path: Path) -> None: """Plot optimization traces. Optimization time course of costs. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(5, 5)) if self.show_titles: ax.set_title("Optimization traces") for run in range(self.optres.size): df_run = self.optres.df_traces[ == run] ax.plot(range(len(df_run)), df_run.cost, "-", alpha=0.8) for run in range(self.optres.size): df_run = self.optres.df_traces[ == run] ax.plot( len(df_run) - 1, df_run.cost.iloc[-1], "o", color="black", alpha=0.8 ) ax.set_xlabel("Optimization step") ax.set_ylabel("Cost") ax.set_yscale("log") self._save_mpl_figure(fig, path=path)
[docs] def plot_correlation( self, path: Path, ) -> None: """Plot correlation of parameters for analysis.""" df = self.optres.df_fits parameters = self.optres.parameters pids = [ for p in parameters] npars = len(pids) sns.set(style="ticks", color_codes=True) fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=npars, ncols=npars, figsize=(5 * npars, 5 * npars) ) cost_normed = df.cost - df.cost.min() cost_normed = 1 - cost_normed / cost_normed.max() size = np.power(15 * cost_normed, 2) bound_kwargs = {"color": "darkgrey", "linestyle": "--", "alpha": 1.0} for kx, pidx in enumerate(pids): for ky, pidy in enumerate(pids): if npars == 1: ax = axes else: ax = axes[ky][kx] # optimal values if kx > ky: ax.set_xlabel(pidx) # ax.set_xlim(self.parameters[kx].lower_bound, self.parameters[kx].upper_bound) ax.axvline(x=parameters[kx].lower_bound, **bound_kwargs) ax.axvline(x=parameters[kx].upper_bound, **bound_kwargs) ax.set_ylabel(pidy) # ax.set_ylim(self.parameters[ky].lower_bound, self.parameters[ky].upper_bound) ax.axhline(y=parameters[ky].lower_bound, **bound_kwargs) ax.axhline(y=parameters[ky].upper_bound, **bound_kwargs) # start values xall = [] yall = [] xstart_all = [] ystart_all = [] for ks in range(len(size)): x = df.x[ks][kx] y = df.x[ks][ky] xall.append(x) yall.append(y) if "x0" in df.columns: xstart = df.x0[ks][kx] ystart = df.x0[ks][ky] xstart_all.append(xstart) ystart_all.append(ystart) # start point ax.plot( xstart_all, ystart_all, "^", color="black", markersize=2, alpha=0.5, ) # optimal values ax.scatter( df[pidx], df[pidy], c=df.cost, s=size, alpha=0.9, cmap="jet" ), ax.plot( self.optres.xopt[kx], self.optres.xopt[ky], "s", color="darkgreen", markersize=30, alpha=0.7, ) if kx == ky: ax.set_xlabel(pidx) ax.axvline(x=parameters[kx].lower_bound, **bound_kwargs) ax.axvline(x=parameters[kx].upper_bound, **bound_kwargs) # ax.set_xlim(self.parameters[kx].lower_bound, # self.parameters[kx].upper_bound) ax.set_ylabel("cost") ax.plot( df[pidx], df.cost, color="black", marker="s", linestyle="None", alpha=1.0, ) # traces (walk through cost function) if kx < ky: ax.set_xlabel(pidy) ax.set_ylabel(pidx) ax.axvline(x=parameters[ky].lower_bound, **bound_kwargs) ax.axvline(x=parameters[ky].upper_bound, **bound_kwargs) ax.axhline(y=parameters[kx].lower_bound, **bound_kwargs) ax.axhline(y=parameters[kx].upper_bound, **bound_kwargs) # ax.plot([ystart, y], [xstart, x], "-", color="black", alpha=0.7) for run in range(self.optres.size): df_run = self.optres.df_traces[ == run] # ax.plot(df_run[pidy], df_run[pidx], '-', color="black", alpha=0.3) ax.scatter( df_run[pidy], df_run[pidx], c=df_run.cost, cmap="jet", marker="s", alpha=0.8, ) # end point # ax.plot(yall, xall, "o", color="black", markersize=10, alpha=0.9) ax.plot( self.optres.xopt[ky], self.optres.xopt[kx], "s", color="darkgreen", markersize=30, alpha=0.7, ) ax.set_xscale("log") if kx != ky: ax.set_yscale("log") if kx == ky: ax.set_yscale("log") # correct scatter limits for kx, _pidx in enumerate(pids): for ky, _pidy in enumerate(pids): if kx < ky: axes[ky][kx].set_xlim(axes[kx][ky].get_xlim()) axes[ky][kx].set_ylim(axes[kx][ky].get_ylim()) self._save_mpl_figure(fig=fig, path=path)