Source code for sbmlsim.simulator.simulation_serial

"""Serial simulator."""
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import pandas as pd
from pint import Quantity
from roadrunner import roadrunner

from sbmlsim.model import AbstractModel, RoadrunnerSBMLModel
from sbmlsim.result import XResult
from sbmlsim.simulation import ScanSim, TimecourseSim
from sbmlsim.simulator.simulation import SimulatorWorker
from sbmlsim.units import UnitsInformation

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SimulatorSerial(SimulatorWorker): """Serial simulator using a single core. A single simulator can run many different models. See the parallel simulator to run simulations on multiple cores. """ def __init__(self, model=None, **kwargs): """Initialize serial simulator. :param model: Path to model or model :param kwargs: integrator settings """ # default settings self.integrator_settings = { "absolute_tolerance": 1e-14, "relative_tolerance": 1e-14, } self.integrator_settings.update(kwargs) self.set_model(model) # self.model: Optional[AbstractModel, RoadrunnerSBMLModel] = None
[docs] def set_model(self, model): """Set model for simulator and updates the integrator settings. This should handle caching and state saving. """ if model is None: self.model = None else: if isinstance(model, AbstractModel): self.model = model else: # handle path, urn, ... self.model = RoadrunnerSBMLModel( source=model, settings=self.integrator_settings ) self.set_integrator_settings(**self.integrator_settings)
[docs] def set_integrator_settings(self, **kwargs): """Set settings in the integrator.""" if isinstance(self.model, RoadrunnerSBMLModel): RoadrunnerSBMLModel.set_integrator_settings(self.model.r, **kwargs) else: logger.warning( "Integrator settings can only be set on RoadrunnerSBMLModel."
[docs] def set_timecourse_selections(self, selections): """Set timecourse selection in model.""" RoadrunnerSBMLModel.set_timecourse_selections(self.r, selections=selections)
[docs] def r(self) -> roadrunner.ExecutableModel: """Get the RoadRunner model.""" return self.model._model
[docs] def uinfo(self) -> UnitsInformation: """Get model unit information.""" return self.model.uinfo
[docs] def Q_(self) -> Quantity: """Get model unit information.""" return self.model.uinfo.ureg.Quantity
[docs] def run_timecourse(self, simulation: TimecourseSim) -> XResult: """Run single timecourse.""" if not isinstance(simulation, TimecourseSim): raise ValueError( f"'run_timecourse' requires TimecourseSim, but " f"'{type(simulation)}'" ) scan = ScanSim(simulation=simulation) return self.run_scan(scan)
[docs] def run_scan(self, scan: ScanSim) -> XResult: """Run a scan simulation.""" # normalize the scan (simulation and dimensions) scan.normalize(uinfo=self.uinfo) # create all possible combinations of the scan indices, simulations = scan.to_simulations() # simulate (uses respective function of simulator) dfs = self._timecourses(simulations) # based on the indices the result structure must be created return XResult.from_dfs(dfs=dfs, scan=scan, uinfo=self.uinfo)
[docs] def _timecourses(self, simulations: List[TimecourseSim]) -> List[pd.DataFrame]: if len(simulations) > 1: logger.warning( "Use of SimulatorSerial to run multiple timecourses. " "Use SimulatorParallel instead." ) return [self._timecourse(sim) for sim in simulations]