Source code for sbmlsim.simulation.sensitivity

"""Helpers for calculating model sensitivities and uncertainties.

Allows to get sets of changes from given model instance.
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Iterable

import libsbml
import numpy as np

from sbmlsim.model import AbstractModel, RoadrunnerSBMLModel
from sbmlsim.simulation import Dimension, ScanSim, Timecourse, TimecourseSim
from sbmlsim.units import Units, UnitsInformation

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SensitivityType(Enum): """Type of sensitivity."""
[docs] All_SENSITIVITY = 3
[docs]class DistributionType(Enum): """Type of supported distributions. # FIXME: support lognormal """
[docs]class ModelSensitivity(object): """Helpers for calculating model sensitivity.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def difference_sensitivity_scan( model: RoadrunnerSBMLModel, simulation: TimecourseSim, difference: float = 0.1, stype: SensitivityType = SensitivityType.PARAMETER_SENSITIVITY, exclude_filter=None, exclude_zero: bool = True, zero_eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> ScanSim: """Create a parameter sensitivity scan for given TimecourseSimulation. :param model: model for execution (needed to select parameters) :param simulation: timecourse simulation to scan :param difference: change in parameters, i.e. every parameter (which is not excluded) is changed to '(1.0 - difference) * value' and '(1.0 + difference) * value' :param stype: which sensitivity (parameters or species) :param exclude_filter: filter function which defines which parameters should be excluded from scan :param exclude_zero: parameters with a value of abs(value)<zero_eps are excluded from scan :param zero_eps: epsilon for zero values :return: """ dim = ModelSensitivity.create_difference_dimension( model=model, changes=simulation.timecourses[0].changes, difference=difference, stype=stype, exclude_filter=exclude_filter, exclude_zero=exclude_zero, zero_eps=zero_eps, ) scan = ScanSim( simulation=simulation, dimensions=[ dim, ], mapping={"dim_sens": 0}, ) return scan
[docs] def distribution_sensitivity_scan( model: RoadrunnerSBMLModel, simulation: TimecourseSim, cv: float = 0.1, size: int = 10, distribution: DistributionType = DistributionType.NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION, stype: SensitivityType = SensitivityType.PARAMETER_SENSITIVITY, exclude_filter=None, exclude_zero: bool = True, zero_eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> ScanSim: """Get sensitivity scan based on distributions for values.""" dim = ModelSensitivity.create_sampling_dimension( model=model, changes=simulation.timecourses[0].changes, cv=cv, size=size, distribution=distribution, stype=stype, exclude_filter=exclude_filter, exclude_zero=exclude_zero, zero_eps=zero_eps, ) scan = ScanSim( simulation=simulation, dimensions=[ dim, ], mapping={"dim_sens": 0}, ) return scan
[docs] def create_sampling_dimension( model: RoadrunnerSBMLModel, changes: Dict = None, cv: float = 0.1, size: int = 10, distribution: DistributionType = DistributionType.NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION, stype: SensitivityType = SensitivityType.PARAMETER_SENSITIVITY, exclude_filter=None, exclude_zero: bool = True, zero_eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> Dimension: """Create list of dimensions for sampling parameter values. Only parameters relevant for "GU_", "LI_" and "KI_" models are sampled. cv: coeffient of variation (sigma/mean) -> sigma = cv*mean """ p_ref = ModelSensitivity.reference_dict( model=model, changes=changes, stype=stype, exclude_filter=exclude_filter, exclude_zero=exclude_zero, zero_eps=zero_eps, ) Q_ = model.Q_ changes = {} for key, value in p_ref.items(): magnitude = value.magnitude # FIXME: use lognormal to avoid negative values, or remove negative samples if distribution == DistributionType.NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION: values = np.random.normal(magnitude, scale=magnitude * cv, size=size) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported distribution: {distribution}") changes[key] = Q_(values, value.units) return Dimension("dim_sens", changes=changes)
[docs] def create_difference_dimension( model: RoadrunnerSBMLModel, changes: Dict = None, difference: float = 0.1, stype: SensitivityType = SensitivityType.PARAMETER_SENSITIVITY, exclude_filter=None, exclude_zero: bool = True, zero_eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> Dimension: """Create list of dimensions for sampling parameter values. Only parameters relevant for "GU_", "LI_" and "KI_" models are sampled. cv: coeffient of variation (sigma/mean) -> sigma = cv*mean """ p_ref = ModelSensitivity.reference_dict( model=model, changes=changes, stype=stype, exclude_filter=exclude_filter, exclude_zero=exclude_zero, zero_eps=zero_eps, ) Q_ = model.Q_ changes = {} index = 0 num_pars = len(p_ref) for key, value in p_ref.items(): values = np.ones(shape=(2 * num_pars,)) * value.magnitude # change parameters in correct position values[index] = value.magnitude * (1.0 + difference) values[index + num_pars] = value.magnitude * (1.0 - difference) changes[key] = Q_(values, value.units) index += 1 return Dimension("dim_sens", changes=changes)
[docs] def reference_dict( model: RoadrunnerSBMLModel, changes: Dict = None, stype: SensitivityType = SensitivityType.PARAMETER_SENSITIVITY, exclude_filter=None, exclude_zero: bool = True, zero_eps: float = 1e-8, ) -> Dict: """Get key:value dict for sensitivity analysis. Values are based on the reference state of the model with the applied changes. Values in current model state are used. :param model: :param exclude_filter: filter function to exclude parameters, excludes parameter id if the filter function is True :param exclude_zero: exclude parameters which are zero :return: """ # reset model model.r.resetAll() # apply normalized model changes if changes is None: changes = {} else: UnitsInformation.normalize_changes(changes, model.uinfo) for key, item in changes.items(): try: model.r[key] = item.magnitude except AttributeError as err: logger.error( f"Change is not a Quantity with unit: '{key} = {item}'. " f"Add units to all changes." ) raise err doc: libsbml.SBMLDocument = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(model.r.getSBML()) sbml_model: libsbml.Model = doc.getModel() ids = [] if stype in { SensitivityType.PARAMETER_SENSITIVITY, SensitivityType.All_SENSITIVITY, }: # constant parameters p: libsbml.Parameter for p in sbml_model.getListOfParameters(): if p.getConstant() is True: ids.append(p.getId()) if stype in { SensitivityType.SPECIES_SENSITIVITY, SensitivityType.All_SENSITIVITY, }: # initial species amount s: libsbml.Species for s in sbml_model.getListOfSpecies(): ids.append(s.getId()) def value_dict(ids: Iterable[str]): """Key: value dict from current model state. Non-zero and exclude filtering is applied. """ d = {} for id in sorted(ids): if exclude_filter and exclude_filter(id): continue value = model.r[id] if exclude_zero: if np.abs(value) < zero_eps: continue d[id] = model.Q_(value, model.uinfo[id]) return d return value_dict(ids)
[docs] def apply_change_to_dict(ref_dict, change: float = 0.1): """Apply relative change to reference dictionary. :param ref_dict: {key: value} dictionary to change :param change: relative change to apply. :return: """ d = ref_dict.copy() d = {k: v * (1.0 + change) for k, v in d.items()} return d
if __name__ == "__main__": from pprint import pprint from sbmlsim.test import MODEL_REPRESSILATOR print("Loading model")
[docs] model = RoadrunnerSBMLModel(MODEL_REPRESSILATOR)
print("Reference dict") p_ref = ModelSensitivity.reference_dict( model=model, stype=SensitivityType.PARAMETER_SENSITIVITY ) s_ref = ModelSensitivity.reference_dict( model=model, stype=SensitivityType.SPECIES_SENSITIVITY ) print("Apply changes") pprint(p_ref) pprint(ModelSensitivity.apply_change_to_dict(p_ref, change=0.1)) pprint(ModelSensitivity.apply_change_to_dict(p_ref, change=-0.1)) pprint(s_ref) pprint(ModelSensitivity.apply_change_to_dict(s_ref, change=0.1)) pprint(ModelSensitivity.apply_change_to_dict(s_ref, change=-0.1))