Source code for sbmlsim.combine.sedml.task

import libsedml

[docs]class TaskNode(object): """Tree implementation of task tree.""" def __init__(self, task: libsedml.SedAbstractTask, depth: int): self.task = task self.depth = depth self.children = [] self.parent = None
[docs] def add_child(self, obj): obj.parent = self self.children.append(obj)
[docs] def is_leaf(self): return len(self.children) == 0
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: lines = [f"<[{self.depth}] {self.task.getId()} ({self.task.getElementName()})>"] for child in self.children: child_str = child.__str__() lines.extend([f"\t{line}" for line in child_str.split("\n")]) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def info(self) -> str: return f"<[{self.depth}] {self.task.getId()} ({self.task.getElementName()})>"
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Depth-first iterator which yields TaskNodes.""" yield self for child in self.children: for node in child: yield node
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return
[docs]class Stack(object): """Stack implementation for nodes.""" def __init__(self): self.items = []
[docs] def isEmpty(self): return self.items == []
[docs] def push(self, item): self.items.append(item)
[docs] def pop(self): return self.items.pop()
[docs] def peek(self): return self.items[len(self.items) - 1]
[docs] def size(self): return len(self.items)
[docs] def __str__(self): return "stack: " + str([ for item in self.items])
[docs]class TaskTree(object): @staticmethod
[docs] def from_sedml_task( sed_task: libsedml.SedDocument, root_task: libsedml.SedAbstractTask ) -> TaskNode: """Creates task tree for given SedTask The task tree is used to resolve the order of all simulations. """ def add_children(node): """Adds task children to given node""" typeCode = node.task.getTypeCode() if typeCode == libsedml.SEDML_TASK: return # no children elif typeCode == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: # add the ordered list of subtasks as children subtasks = TaskTree.get_ordered_subtasks(node.task) for st in subtasks: # get real task for subtask t = sed_task.getTask(st.getTask()) child = TaskNode(t, depth=node.depth + 1) node.add_child(child) # recursive adding of children add_children(child) else: raise IOError("Unsupported task type: {node.task_id.getElementName()}") # create root root = TaskNode(root_task, depth=0) # recursive adding of children add_children(root) return root
[docs] def parse_task_tree(doc: libsedml.SedDocument, tree: TaskNode):
"""Python code generation from task tree."""
[docs]class Test(object): @staticmethod
[docs] def simpleTaskToPython(doc, node: TaskNode): """Creates the simulation python code for a given taskNode. The taskNodes are required to handle the relationships between RepeatedTasks, SubTasks and SimpleTasks (Task). :param doc: sedml document :type doc: SEDDocument :param node: taskNode of the current task :type node: TaskNode :return: :rtype: """ lines = [] task = node.task lines.append("# Task: <{}>".format(task.getId())) lines.append("{} = [None]".format(task.getId())) mid = task.getModelReference() sid = task.getSimulationReference() simulation = doc.getSimulation(sid) simType = simulation.getTypeCode() algorithm = simulation.getAlgorithm() if algorithm is None: warnings.warn( "Algorithm missing on simulation, defaulting to 'cvode: KISAO:0000019'" ) algorithm = simulation.createAlgorithm() algorithm.setKisaoID("KISAO:0000019") kisao = algorithm.getKisaoID() # is supported algorithm if not SEDMLCodeFactory.is_supported_algorithm_for_simulation_type( kisao=kisao, sim_type=simType ): warnings.warn( "Algorithm {} unsupported for simulation {} type {} in task {}".format( kisao, simulation.getId(), simType, task.getId() ) ) lines.append( "# Unsupported Algorithm {} for SimulationType {}".format( kisao, simulation.getElementName() ) ) return lines # set integrator/solver integratorName = SEDMLCodeFactory.integrator_from_kisao(kisao) if not integratorName: warnings.warn("No integrator exists for {} in roadrunner".format(kisao)) return lines if simType is libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append("{}.setSteadyStateSolver('{}')".format(mid, integratorName)) else: lines.append("{}.setIntegrator('{}')".format(mid, integratorName)) # use fixed step by default for stochastic sims if integratorName == "gillespie": lines.append( "{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format( mid, "variable_step_size", False ) ) if kisao == "KISAO:0000288": # BDF lines.append("{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, "stiff", True)) elif kisao == "KISAO:0000280": # Adams-Moulton lines.append("{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, "stiff", False)) # integrator/solver settings (AlgorithmParameters) for par in algorithm.getListOfAlgorithmParameters(): pkey = SEDMLCodeFactory.algorithm_parameter_to_parameter_key(par) # only set supported algorithm paramters if pkey: if pkey.dtype is str: value = "'{}'".format(pkey.value) else: value = pkey.value if value == str("inf") or pkey.value == float("inf"): value = "float('inf')" else: pass if simType is libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append( "{}.steadyStateSolver.setValue('{}', {})".format( mid, pkey.key, value ) ) else: lines.append( "{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, pkey.key, value) ) if simType is libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append( "if {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis == False: {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis = True".format( model=mid ) ) else: lines.append( "if {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis == True: {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis = False".format( model=mid ) ) # get parents parents = [] parent = node.parent while parent is not None: parents.append(parent) parent = parent.parent # <selections> of all parents # --------------------------- selections = SEDMLCodeFactory.selections_for_task(doc=doc, sed_task=node.task) for p in parents: selections.update( SEDMLCodeFactory.selections_for_task(doc=doc, sed_task=p.task_id) ) # <setValues> of all parents # --------------------------- # apply changes based on current variables, parameters and range variables for parent in reversed(parents): rangeId = parent.task_id.getRangeId() helperRanges = {} for r in parent.task_id.getListOfRanges(): if r.getId() != rangeId: helperRanges[r.getId()] = r for setValue in parent.task_id.getListOfTaskChanges(): variables = {} # range variables variables[rangeId] = "__value__{}".format(rangeId) for key in helperRanges.keys(): variables[key] = "__value__{}".format(key) # parameters for par in setValue.getListOfParameters(): variables[par.getId()] = par.getValue() for var in setValue.getListOfVariables(): vid = var.getId() mid = var.getModelReference() selection = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionFromVariable(var, mid) expr = if selection.type == "concentration": expr = "init([{}])".format( elif selection.type == "amount": expr = "init({})".format( # create variable lines.append("__value__{} = {}['{}']".format(vid, mid, expr)) # variable for replacement variables[vid] = "__value__{}".format(vid) # value is calculated with the current state of model lines.append( SEDMLCodeFactory.targetToPython( xpath=setValue.getTarget(), value=evaluableMathML(setValue.getMath(), variables=variables), modelId=setValue.getModelReference(), ) ) # handle result variable resultVariable = "{}[0]".format(task.getId()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <UNIFORM TIMECOURSE> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_UNIFORMTIMECOURSE: lines.append("{}.timeCourseSelections = {}".format(mid, list(selections))) initialTime = simulation.getInitialTime() outputStartTime = simulation.getOutputStartTime() outputEndTime = simulation.getOutputEndTime() numberOfPoints = simulation.getNumberOfPoints() # reset before simulation (see lines.append("{}.reset()".format(mid)) # throw some points away if abs(outputStartTime - initialTime) > 1e-6: lines.append( "{}.simulate(start={}, end={}, points=2)".format( mid, initialTime, outputStartTime ) ) # real simulation lines.append( "{} = {}.simulate(start={}, end={}, steps={})".format( resultVariable, mid, outputStartTime, outputEndTime, numberOfPoints ) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <ONESTEP> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_ONESTEP: lines.append("{}.timeCourseSelections = {}".format(mid, list(selections))) step = simulation.getStep() lines.append( "{} = {}.simulate(start={}, end={}, points=2)".format( resultVariable, mid, 0.0, step ) ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <STEADY STATE> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append( "{}.steadyStateSolver.setValue('{}', {})".format( mid, "allow_presimulation", False ) ) lines.append("{}.steadyStateSelections = {}".format(mid, list(selections))) lines.append( "{}.simulate()".format(mid) ) # for stability of the steady state solver lines.append("{} = {}.steadyStateNamedArray()".format(resultVariable, mid)) # no need to turn this off because it will be checked before the next simulation # lines.append("{}.conservedMoietyAnalysis = False".format(mid)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <OTHER> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- else: lines.append("# Unsupported simulation: {}".format(simType)) return lines
[docs] def repeatedTaskToPython(doc, node): """Create python for RepeatedTask. Must create - the ranges (Ranges) - apply all changes (SetValues) """ # storage of results task = node.task_id lines = ["", "{} = []".format(task.getId())] # <Range Definition> # master range rangeId = task.getRangeId() masterRange = task.getRange(rangeId) if masterRange.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_UNIFORMRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.uniformRangeToPython(masterRange)) elif masterRange.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_VECTORRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.vectorRangeToPython(masterRange)) elif masterRange.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_FUNCTIONALRANGE: warnings.warn("FunctionalRange for master range not supported in task.") # lock-in ranges for r in task.getListOfRanges(): if r.getId() != rangeId: if r.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_UNIFORMRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.uniformRangeToPython(r)) elif r.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_VECTORRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.vectorRangeToPython(r)) # <Range Iteration> # iterate master range lines.append( "for __k__{}, __value__{} in enumerate(__range__{}):".format( rangeId, rangeId, rangeId ) ) # Everything from now on is done in every iteration of the range # We have to collect & intent all lines in the loop) forLines = [] # definition of lock-in ranges helperRanges = {} for r in task.getListOfRanges(): if r.getId() != rangeId: helperRanges[r.getId()] = r if r.getTypeCode() in [ libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_UNIFORMRANGE, libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_VECTORRANGE, ]: forLines.append( "__value__{} = __range__{}[__k__{}]".format( r.getId(), r.getId(), rangeId ) ) # <functional range> if r.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_FUNCTIONALRANGE: variables = {} # range variables variables[rangeId] = "__value__{}".format(rangeId) for key in helperRanges.keys(): variables[key] = "__value__{}".format(key) # parameters for par in r.getListOfParameters(): variables[par.getId()] = par.getValue() for var in r.getListOfVariables(): vid = var.getId() mid = var.getModelReference() selection = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionFromVariable(var, mid) expr = if selection.type == "concentration": expr = "[{}]".format( lines.append("__value__{} = {}['{}']".format(vid, mid, expr)) variables[vid] = "__value__{}".format(vid) # value is calculated with the current state of model value = evaluableMathML(r.getMath(), variables=variables) forLines.append("__value__{} = {}".format(r.getId(), value)) # <resetModels> # models to reset via task tree below node mids = set([]) for child in node: t = child.task_id if t.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_TASK: mids.add(t.getModelReference()) # reset models referenced in tree below task for mid in mids: if task.getResetModel(): # reset before every iteration forLines.append("{}.reset()".format(mid)) else: # reset before first iteration forLines.append("if __k__{} == 0:".format(rangeId)) forLines.append(" {}.reset()".format(mid)) # add lines lines.extend(" " + line for line in forLines) return lines
[docs] def uniformRangeToPython(r): """Create python lines for uniform range. :param r: :type r: :return: :rtype: """ lines = [] rId = r.getId() rStart = r.getStart() rEnd = r.getEnd() rPoints = r.getNumberOfPoints() + 1 # One point more than number of points rType = r.getType() if rType in ["Linear", "linear"]: lines.append( "__range__{} = np.linspace(start={}, stop={}, num={})".format( rId, rStart, rEnd, rPoints ) ) elif rType in ["Log", "log"]: lines.append( "__range__{} = np.logspace(start={}, stop={}, num={})".format( rId, rStart, rEnd, rPoints ) ) else: warnings.warn("Unsupported range type in UniformRange: {}".format(rType)) return lines
[docs] def vectorRangeToPython(r): lines = [] __range = np.zeros(shape=[r.getNumValues()]) for k, v in enumerate(r.getValues()): __range[k] = v lines.append("__range__{} = {}".format(r.getId(), list(__range))) return lines