Source code for sbmlsim.combine.sedml.numl

import importlib
import logging
import warnings
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path

import libnuml
import libsbml
import libsedml
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class NumlParser(object): """Helper class for parsing Numl data files."""
[docs] class Library(Enum):
[docs] LIBNUML = 1
[docs] LIBSEDML = 2
[docs] def read_numl_document(cls, path): """Helper to read external numl document and check for errors :param path: path of file :return: """ importlib.reload(libnuml) doc_numl = libnuml.readNUMLFromFile(path) # type: libnuml.NUMLDocument # check for errors errorlog = doc_numl.getErrorLog() msg = "NUML ERROR in '{}': {}".format(path, errorlog.toString()) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libnuml.LIBNUML_SEV_ERROR) > 0: raise IOError(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libnuml.LIBNUML_SEV_FATAL) > 0: raise IOError(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libnuml.LIBNUML_SEV_WARNING) > 0: warnings.warn(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libnuml.LIBNUML_SEV_SCHEMA_ERROR) > 0: warnings.warn(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libnuml.LIBNUML_SEV_GENERAL_WARNING) > 0: warnings.warn(msg) importlib.reload(libsbml) return doc_numl
[docs] def load_numl_data(cls, path) -> pd.DataFrame: """Reading NuML data from file. This loads the complete numl data. For more information see: :param path: NuML path :return: data """ importlib.reload(libnuml) path_str = path if isinstance(path, Path): path_str = str(path) doc_numl = NumlParser.read_numl_document(path_str) # reads all the resultComponents from the numl file results = [] Nrc = doc_numl.getNumResultComponents() rcs = doc_numl.getResultComponents()"\nNumResultComponents:", Nrc) for k in range(Nrc): rc = rcs.get(k) # parse ResultComponent rc_id = rc.getId() # dimension info description = rc.getDimensionDescription() data_types = cls.parse_dimension_description(description) # data dimension = rc.getDimension() assert isinstance(dimension, libnuml.Dimension) data = [ cls._parse_dimension(dimension.get(k)) for k in range(dimension.size()) ] # create data frame flat_data = [] for entry in data: for part in entry: flat_data.append(part) # column ids from DimensionDescription column_ids = [] for entry in data_types: for cid, dtype in entry.items(): column_ids.append(cid) df = pd.DataFrame(flat_data, columns=column_ids) # convert data types to actual data types for entry in data_types: for cid, dtype in entry.items(): if dtype == "double": df[cid] = df[cid].astype(np.float64) elif dtype == "string": df[cid] = df[cid].astype(str) # convert all the individual columns to the corresponding data types # df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="ignore") results.append([rc_id, df, data_types]) return results
[docs] def parse_dimension_description( cls, description, library: Library = Library.LIBNUML ): """Parses the given dimension description. Returns dictionary of { key: dtype } :param description: :return: """ if library == cls.Library.LIBNUML: importlib.reload(libnuml) assert description.getTypeCode() == libnuml.NUML_DIMENSIONDESCRIPTION elif library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML: importlib.reload(libsedml) assert description.getTypeCode() == libsedml.NUML_DIMENSIONDESCRIPTION info = [ cls._parse_description(description.get(k), library=library) for k in range(description.size()) ] flat_info = [] for entry in info: for part in entry: flat_info.append(part) return flat_info
[docs] def _parse_description( cls, d, info=None, entry=None, library: Library = Library.LIBNUML ): """Parses the recursive DimensionDescription, TupleDescription, AtomicDescription. This gets the dimension information from NuML. <dimensionDescription> <compositeDescription indexType="double" id="time" name="time"> <compositeDescription indexType="string" id="SpeciesIds" name="SpeciesIds"> <atomicDescription valueType="double" id="Concentrations" name="Concentrations" /> </compositeDescription> </compositeDescription> </dimensionDescription> :param d: :param info: :return: """ type_code = d.getTypeCode() if library == cls.Library.LIBNUML: importlib.reload(libnuml) assert type_code in [ libnuml.NUML_COMPOSITEDESCRIPTION, libnuml.NUML_ATOMICDESCRIPTION, libnuml.NUML_TUPLEDESCRIPTION, ] # if type_code == libnuml.NUML_COMPOSITEDESCRIPTION: # d = libnuml.CompositeDescription(d) elif library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML: importlib.reload(libsedml) assert type_code in [ libsedml.NUML_COMPOSITEDESCRIPTION, libsedml.NUML_ATOMICDESCRIPTION, libsedml.NUML_TUPLEDESCRIPTION, ] # if type_code == libsedml.NUML_COMPOSITEDESCRIPTION: # d = libnuml.CompositeDescription(d) if info is None: info = [] if entry is None: entry = [] print("typecode:", type_code) print("type:", type(d)) print("object", object) if ( library == cls.Library.LIBNUML and type_code == libnuml.NUML_COMPOSITEDESCRIPTION ) or ( library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML and type_code == libsedml.NUML_COMPOSITEDESCRIPTION ): content = {d.getId(): d.getIndexType()} info.append(content) # print('\t* CompositeDescription:', content) if d.isContentCompositeDescription(): for k in range(d.size()): info = cls._parse_description( d.getCompositeDescription(k), info, list(entry), library=library ) elif d.isContentAtomicDescription(): info = cls._parse_description( d.getAtomicDescription(), info, entry, library=library ) elif ( library == cls.Library.LIBNUML and type_code == libnuml.NUML_ATOMICDESCRIPTION ) or ( library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML and type_code == libsedml.NUML_ATOMICDESCRIPTION ): content = {d.getId(): d.getValueType()} info.append(content) # print('\t* AtomicDescription:', content) elif ( library == cls.Library.LIBNUML and type_code == libnuml.NUML_TUPLEDESCRIPTION ) or ( library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML and type_code == libsedml.NUML_TUPLEDESCRIPTION ): tuple_des = d.getTupleDescription() Natomic = d.size() valueTypes = [] for k in range(Natomic): atomic = tuple_des.getAtomicDescription(k) valueTypes.append(atomic.getValueType()) info.append(valueTypes) # print('\t* TupleDescription:', valueTypes) else: raise NotImplementedError("Type code: {}".format(type_code)) return info
[docs] def _parse_dimension( cls, d, data=None, entry=None, library: Library = Library.LIBNUML ): """Parses the recursive CompositeValue, Tuple, AtomicValue. This gets the actual data from NuML. :param d: :param data: :return: """ if library == cls.Library.LIBNUML: importlib.reload(libnuml) elif library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML: importlib.reload(libsedml) if data is None: data = [] if entry is None: entry = [] type_code = d.getTypeCode() # print('typecode:', type_code) if ( library == cls.Library.LIBNUML and type_code == libnuml.NUML_COMPOSITEVALUE ) or ( library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML and type_code == libsedml.NUML_COMPOSITEVALUE ): indexValue = d.getIndexValue() entry.append(indexValue) # print('\t* CompositeValue:', indexValue) if d.isContentCompositeValue(): for k in range(d.size()): # make copy, so every entry is own entry data = cls._parse_dimension( d.getCompositeValue(k), data, list(entry) ) elif d.isContentAtomicValue(): data = cls._parse_dimension(d.getAtomicValue(), data, entry) elif ( library == cls.Library.LIBNUML and type_code == libnuml.NUML_ATOMICVALUE ) or ( library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML and type_code == libsedml.NUML_ATOMICVALUE ): # Data is converted to correct # value = d.getDoubleValue() value = d.getValue() entry.append(value) # entry finished, we are appending data.append(entry) # print('\t* AtomicValue:', value) elif (library == cls.Library.LIBNUML and type_code == libnuml.NUML_TUPLE) or ( library == cls.Library.LIBSEDML and type_code == libsedml.NUML_TUPLE ): tuple = d.getTuple() Natomic = d.size() values = [] for k in range(Natomic): atomic = tuple.getAtomicValue(k) values.append(atomic.getDoubleValue()) data.append(values) # print('\t* TupleDescription:', values) else: raise NotImplementedError return data