Source code for sbmlsim.simulation.calculation

"""Module for performing all the Calculations."""

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List, Optional

from sbmlsim.simulation.base import BaseObject, BaseObjectSIdRequired, Symbol, Target

[docs]class Parameter(BaseObjectSIdRequired): """Parameter class. The Parameter class (Figure 2.4) is used to create named pars with a constant value. A Parameter can be used wherever a mathematical expression to compute a value is defined, e.g., in ComputeChange, FunctionalRange or DataGenerator. The Parameter definitions are local to the particular class defining them. """ def __init__( self, sid: str, value: float, unit: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Construct Parameter.""" super(Parameter, self).__init__(sid=sid, name=name) self.value: float = value self.unit: Optional[str] = unit
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Get string representation.""" return f"Parameter(sid={self.sid}, name={}, value={self.value}, unit={self.unit})"
[docs]class AppliedDimension(BaseObject): """AppliedDimension class. A AppliedDimension object is used when the term of the Variable is a function that reduces the dimen- sionality of the data. Dimension reducing functions can be applied in two contexts: First to reduce data from RepeatedTasks and nested RepeatedTasks which requires the taskReference of the variable to be set and to be a reference to a RepeatedTask. All AppliedDimensions must have the target set and reference either one of the possibly nested RepeatedTask Sids or the Task within the RepeatedTask. Second to reduce data from a multi-dimensional DataSource in a DataGenerator which requires the target of the variable to be set to reference the respective DataSource. The AppliedDimensions must have the dimensionTarget set to a NuMLIdRef referencing a dimension of the data." "If the listOfAppliedDimensions contains 2 or more AppliedDimensions the reducing function is applied on an element-by-element basis." """ def __init__( self, target: Optional[str] = None, dimension_target: Optional[str] = None, sid: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Construct Parameter.""" super(AppliedDimension, self).__init__(sid=sid, name=name) Optional[str] = target self.dimension_target: Optional[str] = dimension_target
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Get string representation.""" return f"AppliedDimension(sid={self.sid}, name={}, target={}, dimension_target={self.dimension_target})"
[docs]class Variable(BaseObjectSIdRequired): """Variable class. A Variable is a reference to an already existing entity, either explicitly created in the SED-ML Document, or to an implicitly defined symbol. """ def __init__( self, sid: str, model_reference: Optional[str], task_reference: Optional[str], target: Optional[Target] = None, symbol: Optional[Symbol] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, term: Optional[str] = None, applied_dimensions: Optional[List[AppliedDimension]] = None, ): """Construct Variable.""" super(Variable, self).__init__(sid=sid, name=name) self.model_reference: Optional[str] = model_reference self.task_reference: Optional[str] = task_reference Optional[Target] = target self.symbol: Optional[Symbol] = symbol self.unit: Optional[str] = unit self.term: Optional[str] = term self.applied_dimensions: Optional[List[AppliedDimension]] = applied_dimensions
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Get string representation.""" return f"Variable(sid={self.sid}, name={}, target={}, symbol={self.symbol}, term={self.term})"
[docs]class DependentVariable(Variable): """DependentVariable class. A dependent variable is necessary when the desired variable is a composite of two other variables, such as ‘the rate of change of S1 with respect to time’. """ def __init__( self, sid: str, model_reference: Optional[str], task_reference: Optional[str], target: Optional[Target] = None, symbol: Optional[Symbol] = None, target2: Optional[Target] = None, symbol2: Optional[Symbol] = None, unit: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, term: Optional[str] = None, applied_dimensions: Optional[List[AppliedDimension]] = None, ): """Construct DependentVariable.""" super(DependentVariable, self).__init__( sid=sid, name=name, model_reference=model_reference, task_reference=task_reference, target=target, symbol=symbol, unit=unit, term=term, applied_dimensions=applied_dimensions, ) self.target2: Optional[Target] = target2 self.symbol2: Optional[Symbol] = symbol2
[docs]class Calculation(BaseObjectSIdRequired): """Calculation class. Used by ComputeChange, DataGenerator and FunctionalRange. """ def __init__( self, sid: str, variables: List[Variable], parameters: List[Parameter], math: str, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Construct Calculation.""" super(Calculation, self).__init__(sid=sid, name=name) self.variables: List[Variable] = variables self.parameters: List[Parameter] = pars self.math: str = math # @abstractmethod
[docs] def values(self): """Access to values.""" pass
# FIXME # evaluate with actual data # astnode = mathml.formula_to_astnode(self.function) # variables = {} # for var_key, variable in self.variables.items(): # # lookup via key # if isinstance(variable, str): # variables[var_key] = experiment._data[variable].data # elif isinstance(variable, Data): # variables[var_key] = variable.get_data(experiment=experiment) # for par_key, par_value in # variables[par_key] = par_value # x = mathml.evaluate(astnode=astnode, variables=variables)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Get string representation.""" return f"Calculation(sid={self.sid}, name={}, variables={self.variables}, parameters={self.parameters}, math={self.math})"
[docs]class ComputeChange(Calculation): """ComputeChange class.""" pass
[docs]class DataGenerator(Calculation): """DataGenerator class.""" pass
[docs]class FunctionalRange(Calculation): """FunctionalRange class.""" pass
if __name__ == "__main__": from sbmlutils.console import console
[docs] pars: List[Parameter] = [ Parameter(sid="p1", value=10.0, unit="mM"), Parameter(sid="p2", value=0), ]
console.log(pars) dims: List[AppliedDimension] = [ AppliedDimension(sid="dim1", target="repeated_task1") ] console.log(dims) vars: List[Variable] = [ Variable( sid="S1_model1", target="S1", model_reference="model1", task_reference="repeated_task1", ), Variable( sid="S2_model1", target="S2", model_reference="model1", task_reference="repeated_task1", applied_dimensions=dims, ), ] console.log(vars) calculation = Calculation( sid="calculation1", parameters=pars, variables=vars, math="p1 + p2 + S1_model1 + S2_model1", ) console.log(calculation)